/ Sour Ornamental Orange Trees |
Digitado (Buddha's Fingers)
The segments of this citron instead of appearing on the inside
of the complete fruit have segmented completely and give the
appearance of a human hand with many fingers. It is used in
China and Japan for perfuming rooms and clothing and as an adornment
for religious ceremonies. The flowers have the same pigmented
colour as the lemons, showing as purple opening to white. Highly
Orange Tree Height from Global Orange Groves UK is 2-3ft |
Amarga Orange (Citrus aurantium) .. 'Seville Orange'
The popular name of this orange tree variety is Seville Orange.
Being an original variety it is cultivated from seed. The tree
is vigorous and the fruit is medium to large with many seeds.
Harvest is at the end of December and the fruit is generally
used for making marmalade. The Seville Orange is very productive
and make excellent display trees where the effect is more important
than the fruit quality. |
De Fleur - (Citrus aurantium)
This is a special variety of bitter orange. The flowers are
harvested from this tree and then used for the production of
a citrus essential oil called Neroli. This is then used extensively
in the perfume and food industry and is also used in Aromatherapy
treatments. The fruits are similar in shape and size to satsumas,
very juicy, rather lacking in flavour but with a slightly bitter
taste. The leaves of these orange trees tend to hang down, not
up, and have a rippled or ribbed effect.
Orange Tree Height from Global Orange Groves UK is 4-5 ft |
Orange (Citrus Mitis)
This variety of orange tree produces a very small bushy tree
which will bear fruit all year round. The oranges are generally
used in cooking for puddings, sweets and sauces as well as for
marmalade or they can be pickled in brandy. The oranges are
very juicy, seedy but with a strong slightly bitter flavour.
In Spain this variety is sometimes used for rootstock
Orange Tree Height from Global Orange Groves UK is up to 3ft+
(Citrus myrtifolia)
Slow growing, densely foliated, highly decorative tree producing
masses of small bitter oranges. Used mainly as Glacé
or crystallised fruit.
Orange Tree Height from Global Orange Groves UK is up to 3ft |
(Citrus bergamia)
The Bergamot orange is thought to be a cross between a sour
orange and the Palestinian sweet lime, producing a very bitter
and acid fruit with a high juice content and many seeds. Bergamot
is used almost exclusively for the essential oils it yields,
some of which forms the basis of perfumes and are also used
in Aromatherapy treatments. Bergamot oil is sometimes used to
flavour tobacco and is an ingredient in Earl Grey Tea. The tree
is fairly vigorous and yields fruit well. The fruits can be
sued in place of limes or lemons.
Orange Tree Height from Global Orange Groves UK is up to 3ft+