Global Orange Groves UK - the premier source of Citrus Trees in the UK
    Goji Berry Seeds

Goji Berry Seeds



Goji Berry Seeds



Goji Berry Seeds


SEEDS of the GOJI Berry

(Lycium barbarum)

The new super-super-food that is taking America by storm, extremely high in antioxidants and naturally rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Thiamine, Niacin, proteins, minerals and omegas. A favourite with the Stars for its anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, anti-cancer, anti-cellulite, anti-cholesterol, including weight loss properties, improves libido and general wellbeing in all major organs and bodily functions, increasing longevity and general health.

Gojiberries are one of the most nutritionally dense foods on the market and can easily be grown all over the UK, being from the Himalayas and frost tolerant after the first year. They prefer a well drained sunny position. They continue producing fruit all summer until the first frosts. Plant them in pots, in the border or in the vegetable garden. Very detailed instructions are included with the seeds to ensure excellent results as they can be difficult to propagate by traditional methods.

The seeds germinate on average in 7-14 days and the plant will start producing the following year. The flowers are small and bluish/purple in colour followed by the small bright red berries. The plant will reach 8-10ft in height growing as a vine and can be cut back every year to encourage density and to be shaped or trained. New plants can then be produced from the cuttings.

The fruits are slightly sweet and can be enjoyed as a drink after soaking the berries for a short while, eaten fresh with cereal, salads, as a snack or added to smoothies. They can be dried or frozen for storage to be enjoyed later. Even the children will enjoy them.

The Gojiberries are costly to buy, and to get the maximum health benefit, everyone should enjoy a handful of berries every day, so why not grow your own? Any time is the time for sowing, but now is a good time, so order your seeds today. Allow up to 21 days for delivery.

Global Orange Groves,
Horton Road, Horton Heath, Wimborne, Dorset. BH21 7JN
el. 01202 826244

Contact us for further information and prices.

Citrus Trees in the UK